Is a Working Line German Shepherd Dog for me?

German Shepherds Dogs (GSDs) are naturally very active and versatile dogs. There are generally two types of GSDs.

The Show Line and The Working Line.

The Show Line of German Shepherd Dogs

  • The show line is characterised by its appearance attributes. It is more significant in the body and broader in the head. It has been bred to enhance its visual appearance. 

  • The show line of German Shepherd Dogs has a lower energy level, as this feature is not essential for this line.

  • This breed of German Shepherd Dog has the same colouring of its fur, but the fur is thicker and longer. 

  • It is naturally very loyal and friendly to all owners.

We are handlers of the Working Line of the German Shepherd Dogs, and you need to know something about this breed before you make a decision.

This is a working line. It simply needs to do something. Whether you’ve got a boy or a girl, they need a purpose. A Working Line of Shepherd Dog can provide:

  • Protection of your family, business, or properties

  • Detection of various substances

  • Search and Rescue

  • Service Dog

  • Police and Military

  • And for any other task, you need

Their outstanding work ethic is very sought after. You’ve seen them at airports for searching substances, with the police for protection, with rescue services for searching for people, and in many other fantastic scenarios.

These dogs live to work and provide

Before having one of our Working Line German Shepherd dogs with you, you must also understand their needs.

You must have the time for the dog and always be able to interact with your German Shepherd. This dog will be around you all the time. The dog needs you and your attention.

You must teach and train your dog what to do and what not to do. This is the fantastic part: YOU will train your dog to do what YOU need. German Shepherds are intelligent, alert, and vigilant. This is when you need the time to spend with your dog to train them.

You can provide a “job” for your German Shepherd. It might be obedience, tracking, IGP agility, therapy, or other work or purpose. Your Working Line German Shepherd dog needs a purpose involving physical and mental activity.

The German Shepherd is a big dog, and it requires physical ability to be handled. However, it is also a beautiful and gentle family dog.

You have to be a confident leader and be able to provide directions without being abusive. This means you must understand the basic principles of training dogs. German Shepherds, like any other dogs, do not understand our language. You have to teach them what words like “sit”, “heel”, and “fetch” mean.

By the nature of this breed, German Shepherd can be intimidating to strangers. This dog is big, furry, and has a big mouth full of sharp teeth. All of this will protect you, your family, and your property. But you have to take care of your dog.

You want to take care of grooming and all the exercises involved in keeping a large, double-coated, high-shedding, energetic dog.